Prog. & Courses outcome

B.A & B.Sc.ProgrammeandCourseOutcome




PSO 01. To learn a basic narrative of historical events in a specific region of the world in a specific time frame.
PSO 2. To articulate factual & contextual knowledge of specific places & times, to makecareful comparisons (across time, space & culture).
PSO3.The abilitytousebibliographicaltoolsfortheadvanced studyof history.

PSO 4. To understand & evaluate different historical ideas, various arguments and point of view.
PSO 5. To develop an appreciation of themselves & of other through the study of the past in local, regional, national and global context.
PSO 6. It instills an appreciation of the uniqueness of visual evidence and cultivates the particular skill of using visual evidence to understand human activity of the recent and distant past.

I Sem

CourseOutcome (CO):

CO 1 : Students will learn and analyze the transition from historic centuries and development of polity and institutions in ancient past.
CO2:They’llbeabletodelineatechangesin therealmofpolityandculture,puranic religions.



CourseOutcome (CO):

CO1:ThispaperaimstostudytheruleofGuptaandVardhanaempiresandthe consolidation of various dynasties in Deccan.
CO2:ItalsodealswithdynastiesinSouthIndiaandriseofearlyReligion,Philosophyand Sects.
CO 3 : Students will come to know the development of science, technology, literature art and architecture of our ancient past.



• ItdealswithadministrationandreformsofDelhiSultanatesandtheirSocio-Economicand Cultural Contributions.
• To study the Administration, Trade and Commerce and Cultural Contributions of Vijayanagar empire.
• ItdealswiththeadministrationandculturalcontributionsofBahamaniandAdilshahis dynasties and also the life and social philosophy Bhakti and Sufi Saints.



• StudentswillbeabletoidentifythemajorpoliticaldevelopmentsintheHistoryofIndia during the period between the twelfth and the seventeenth century.
• Outlinethechangesandcontinuitiesinthefieldofculture,especiallywithregardtoart, architecture, Bhakti movement and Sufi movement.

• Delineatethedevelopmentoftradeandurbancomplexesduringthis period.
• Appreciatethedivergentculturalandcommunalharmonyofthisregion.
• Appreciatethedivergentculturalandcommunalharmonyofthisregion.
• epolitical,Social,Religiousand Culturalhistoryofthe region.
• Appreciatethedivergentculturalandcommunalharmonyofthisregion.



PSO 1: Enrich the knowledge of understanding the relevant terms and concept of geography including definitions.
PSO2:Enhancedthecapabilitytoexplaintherelevantprinciples,theoriesandmodelsin geography.
PSO3:Conceptualclarityabouttherelationshipbetweenthemanandenvironmenttounderstand the process, factors and impact.
PSO4:Knowthecomplexandinteractivenatureofphysicalandhumanenvironmentsand changing Process.

PSO6:UseofGeographicaldatato identifythetrendsandpatternsanddemonstratethrough the maps of spatio-temporal changes.
PSO7:Demonstratetheskillofanalysisofgeographicalinformation,evidencesandcause and effects.

PSO 9: Develop the consciousness of relevance of geography to understand and solving the contemporary environmental issues.

PSO10:Exposerinthehandlingthespatialandnon-spatialdatathroughRemoteSensing and GIS.




CO 2 : To outline the mechanism of dynamic nature of the Earth’s surface and interior of the Earth.
CO3: Toillustrateand explaintheforces affectingthecrustoftheearthanditseffectonit.


CO5:Tounderstandtheprinciplesofgeomorphologythoroughlyandexplain them.


CourseOutcome (CO):

CO 1 : To define the field of climatology and to understand the atmospheric composition and structure.
CO 2 : To outline the mechanism and process of solar radiation transfer to earth surface and to ex- plain the temperature distribution and variation according to time and space.
CO3:Toillustrateandexplaintheairpressuresystem,windregulatingforcesandtheformation of the Atmospheric Disturbance.
CO4:Tounderstandandcomputetheairhumidityaswellastoexplaintheprocessof Condensation and formation of precipitation and its types.



• Tolearnhowhumanandphysicalcomponentsoftheworld interact.
• Tofamiliarizedwitheconomicprocessessuchasglobalization,tradeandtheirimpactson economic, cultural and social activities.
• Todescribewhatgeographyandhumangeographyare.
• Tounderstandpopulationdynamicsand migration.



• Togetsexactinformationregardingmechanismofmonsoonanditsimpact.Interpretand apply the concepts on resource distribution of India and related economic activities.
• Tointerpretandapply the concepts onresource distributionof Indiaandrelatedeconomic activities
• Todescribethelocational characteristicsofan industry.
• Todemonstratetheeconomicdevelopmentthroughtheconnectivityoftransportand communication.



PSO-1Tolaunchstudentsintothestudyofcommunication,mediaand journalism.


PSO-3 To prepare students for more complex and advanced-level courses in the subsequent Semesters
PSO-4 To identify the distinct but overlapping nature of the fields of communication, mediaand journalism

PSO-5 To describe the key concepts and ideas relating to communication, media and journalism
PSO-6 To recognize the significance of changes in the practice of communication, media and journalism
PSO-7 The programme should prepare the students as ‘ready to be recruited by the media houses, where the programme will ensure jobs to all the students who undergo this programme.
PSO-8 The products of the programme are open for changes in the field that happen time to time and cope up the new challenges.
PSO-9 The programme ensures responsible citizens to the society as a product. The programmewillfacilitatejobopportunitiesforallthosewhoinvestfouryearsinattendingthis programme.
PSO-10 The programme ensures that the products of the programme are not only good in technology but also respect the ethics of the field.


CourseOutcome (CO):

CO 1: Understand the concept, history, origin, scope and definitions of Journalism and Mass Communication and its relevance in the present scenario.
CO2:UnderstandtheinterdisciplinarynatureofJournalismandMassCommunicationandthe role of Journalist in the contemporary society.
CO 3: Describe the different branches of journalism and critically identify the contributions of Journalism and Mass Communication to the growth and development of the society.

CO5:Understandthefundamentalsofjournalismandmasscommunicationconcepts, principles and processes underlying the academic field and practice in print media,

II sem

CourseOutcome (CO):



CO 3 To facilitates the students to practically learn the applications of computers at different levels in media
CO4Understandthebasicsofmediarelated computer applications.


CourseOutcome (CO):

CO1.Togivea glimpseofwriting formediaanddevelopaninterestin writing

CO2. Equip the students with new trends in Media Writing. CO3.Toidentifyeventsandissuesandturnthemintonews. CO4. To make use of the skills and techniques in reporting. CO5. To make use of career opportunities in reporting.
CO6.ToIntroducestudentstotheskillsofwritingfortheprint media.

CO7.ToIntroducestudentstospecializedreportingskillsandreporting analysis.


CourseOutcome (CO):

CO1.Understandthebasicsofeditingandpublication process.

CO2.Providean overviewofthe editingprocess.


CO4.Writeandeditnews stories.



ProgrammeSpecific Outcome(PSO):

PSO1: Acquiredomain knowledge.


PSO 3 : Have a better understanding of the working of various political institutions including decentralized institutions state legislatures and parliament and relate this functioning to the greater cause of nation building as a responsible citizen.

PSO5:Togaincriticalthinkinganddeveloptheabilitytomakelogical inferences about socio-economic and political issues, on the basis of comparative and contemporary political discourses in India.
PSO6:ContemplateaboutnationalandinternationalissuesinvolvingStates having different political ideologies and historical contexts.
PSO7:PursuehighereducationsuchasPostGraduateStudiesandResearchinPolitical Science and in other interdisciplinary areas to provide qualitative

Insightsto createabetterworld.


CourseOutcome (CO):

CO1:UnderstandPoliticalScience,theoreticallyandwillgainknowledgeto explain and analyze politics at large.



CourseOutcome (CO):

CO1.GetanintroductiontotheSchoolsofPoliticalThoughtandTheory making in the West.
CO 2.Andintroducetherichnessand variationsinthepoliticalperceptionsof


CO3.AndfamiliarizethemselvestotheThoughtandTheoryofWestern Philosophy.


CourseOutcome (CO):

CO 1 : Explain the functioning of the Indian government and the performance of both the union and the state governments.
CO 2 : Discusses the philosophy of our constitution and the commitment of the Indianstateto its citizenry.
CO 3 : Develop interest in politics and grasp the dynamics/nuances of the politics, dynamicsof leadership and the role of socio-economic, religious and lingual issues.



CO 1: Understand the native concepts like Dharma, Rajadharma, Nyaya, Viveka etc., in thelight of their modern connotations.
CO 2 : Understand the role of texts and stories in the Indian context by reflecting upon our own experiences.
CO 3: Revisit our own socio-political structures through the textual and non-textual sources from the early Indian period in order to quell the European representation of Indian Society and heritage.

I sem

CourseOutcomes (COs):

1 Attheendofthecoursethestudentswillbeabletogettheknowledgeaboutoriginof music, basic of music and technical terms of music .
2 At the end of the course the students will be able to write Bandish in swaralipi/talalipi- paddati.

3 At the end of the course the students will be able to sing /play swaralankaras, vilambit and drut compositions with alap and tans of prescribed ragas in syllabus. To train the students of percussion instrument to play different compositions of solo play.


CourseOutcomes (COs):

1. At the end of the course the students will be able to get the historical development of music at early stage, knowledge about musical instruments and technical terms.
2. At the end of the course the students will be able to write bandish in swaralipi/talalipi paddhati. Students will be able to demonstrate talas.
3. At the end of the course the students will be able to sing /play swaralankaras, vilambit and drut compositions with alap and tans of prescribed ragas in syllabus. To train the students of percussion instrument to play different compositions of solo play.


CourseOutcomes (COs):

• At the end of the course the students will be able to get the knowledge of music during ancient period, tala dasaprana, gharanas in our music system and technical terms of music .
• AttheendofthecoursethestudentswillbeabletowriteBandishin swaralipi/talalipi-paddati.
• At the end of the course the students will be able to sing /play swaralankaras, vilambit and drut compositions with alap and tans of prescribed ragas in syllabus. To train the students of percussion instrument to play different compositions of solo play.


CourseOutcomes (COs):

• At the end of the course the students will be able to get the knowledge music during Mughal period and Hindustani and karnatic tala system and technical terms of music.

• AttheendofthecoursethestudentswillbeabletowriteBandishin swaralipi/talalipi-paddati.
• At the end of the course the students will be able to sing /play swaralankaras, vilambit and drut compositions with alap and tans of prescribed ragas in syllabus. To train the students of percussion instrument to play different compositions of solo play.



PSO1:Understandeconomicvocabulary,methodologies,toolsandanalysisprocedures. PSO 2 : Understand and apply micro economics for the formulation of policies and planning.
PSO3:Applyeconomictheoriesandconceptstocontemporarysocialissues,aswellas analyze the policies.
PSO 4 :Understand the impact of government policies and assess the consequences of thepolicies on the parties involved.
PSO5 :Computeandassesstherealsituationofthe economy.

PSO 6 : Understand the basics of Quantitative techniques and their applications PSO7:CriticallyevaluatetheongoingeconomicdevelopmentsinIndiaandabroad PSO 8 : Understand research methods in economics
PSO9 :Gettrainedintheartofeconomic modeling.


CourseOutcome (CO):

CO 1:Identifythefacetsofaneconomic problem

CO 2:Learnbasiceconomicconceptsand terms

CO 3:Explaintheoperationofamarket system



CO6:Usebasiccost-benefitcalculationsasameansofdecisionmaking(thinkinglikean economist)




CO2: Identifythefactorscontributingtotherecentgrowth oftheIndianeconomy

CO3:UnderstandthecurrentproblemsofIndian Economy




CourseOutcomes (COs):


CO2:Knowtheordinalmeasurementofutilityandbeabletounderstanddecisionmaking process of consumer


CO5:Explainhowequilibriumisachievedinthevariousmarket models.




CO1:Comprehendandexplaintheclassicaltheoryof employment

CO2:UnderstandtheTheoriesofDeterminationofNational Income

CO3:Explaintheworkingofmultiplier andacceleratorinnationalincome determination

CO4:Understandandexplainthetradeoffbetweeninflationand unemployment

CO5:Workout numerical problems regarding consumption function, investment function and value of money.





PO3:Collectandanalyzedata,make conclusionsandpresentarguments


PO5:SkillfullyParticipateinResearchGroupsandmarketResearch Firms

PO6:ServeinDevelopmentAgencies,GovernmentDepartmentsand Projects

PO 7: Be a Social Entrepreneur, CommunityWorker, Survey Designer, Research Analyst, Social Statistician


PO9:Competentto makeadifferenceinthecommunity.


CourseOutcome (CO):

CO 1: Understandthenatureand roleofSociologyinachanging world


CO 3: Recognize different perspectives of perceiving the workings of social groups CO 4: Differentiate between sociology’s two purposes-science and social reformCO5:Expressone’sunderstandingofcurrentsocialissuesinoralandwrittenforms.

CourseOutcome (CO):


CO 2: Appreciate the contemporaneity of classical sociological thought CO3:Appreciatetheneedforthinkingintheoreticaltermsandconcepts CO 4: Demonstrate Basic Understanding of Theory and Research



CO2:Recognisedifferenttypesofstratificationand mobility

CO3:Describedifferenttypesofsocialstratificationand mobility

CO4:Criticallyunderstandandanalysedifferenttheoriesofsocial stratification.









PSO 1 : Understanding concepts of Biotechnology and demonstrate interdisciplinary skills acquired in cell biology, genetics, biochemistry, microbiology, and molecular biology
PSO 2 : Demonstrating the Laboratory skills in cell biology, basic and applied microbiology with an emphasis on technological aspects
PSO 3 : Competent to apply the knowledge and skills gained in the fields of Plant biotechnology, animal biotechnology and microbial technology in pharma, food, agriculture, beverages, herbal and nutraceutical industries.
PSO 4 : Critically analyze the environmental issues and apply the biotechnology knowledge gained for conserving the environment and resolving the problems.

PSO 5 : Demonstrate comprehensive innovations and skills in the fields of biomolecules, cell and organelles, molecular biology, bioprocess engineering and genetic engineering of plants, microbes, and animals with respect to applications for human welfare.
PSO 6 : Apply knowledge and skills of immunology, bioinformatics, computational modelling of proteins, drug design and simulations to test the models and aid in drug discovery.;
PSO 7 : Critically analyze, interpret data, and apply tools of bioinformatics and multi omics in various sectors of biotechnology including health and Food.
PSO 8 : Demonstrate communication skills, scientific writing, data collection andinterpretation abilities in all the fields of biotechnology. Demonstrate entrepreneurship abilities, innovative thinking, planning, and setting up small-scale enterprises or CROs.



CO 1 : Understanding concepts of Biotechnology and demonstrate interdisciplinary skills acquired in cell biology, genetics, biochemistry, microbiology, and molecular biology
CO2:Understandingofbasicstructureofcellandits functions





CO2:Learningofvariousmethodsforidentificationof microbes.CO3:Microbiologicaldiseasesfrombacteria,fungiandvirus,itspathologicalsignificance.





CO 4:Explaintheconceptoftransposition,mutationandDNArepair mechanism.




CO2: Will acquire the knowledge of structure, functional relationship of proteins and nucleic acids
CO3:Awareaboutthebasiccellularprocessessuchastranscription,translation,DNA replication and repair mechanisms.



PSO1:Skilldevelopmentfortheproperdescriptionusingbotanicalterms,identification, naming, and classification of life forms especially plants and microbes.
PSO2:Acquisitionofknowledgeonthestructure,lifecycle,andlifeprocessesthatexist among plant and microbial diversity through certain model organism studies.

PSO 3: Understanding of various interactions that exist among plants and microbes; to develop the curiosity on the dynamicity of nature.
PSO 4: Ability to explain the diversity and evolution based on the empirical evidence in morphology, anatomy, embryology, physiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, and life history.
PSO 5: Skill development for the collection, preservation, and recording of information after observation and analysis- from simple illustration to molecular database development.
PSO 6: Making aware of the scientific and technological advancements- Information and Communication, Biotechnology, and Molecular Biology for further learning and research in all branches of Botany.
PSO 7: To enable the graduates to prepare for national as well as international level competitive examinations like UGC-CSIR, UPSC, KPSC, and others.
PSO 8: To enable the students for practicing the best teaching pedagogy as a biology teacher including the latest digital modules.
PSO 9: The graduates should be knowledgeable and competent enough to appropriately deliver on aspects of global importance like climate change, SDGs, green technologies, etc at the right opportunity.
PSO 10: The graduate should be able to demonstrate sufficient proficiency in the hands-on experimental techniques for their area of specialization within biology during research and their professional career.


CourseOutcome (CO):

CO 1: Develop an understanding of the concept of microbial nutrition, Classify viruses based on their characteristics and structures.

CO 2: Develop a critical understanding of plant diseases and their remediation. Examine the general characteristics of bacteria and their cell reproduction/recombination.
CO 3: Increase the awareness and appreciation of human-friendly viruses, bacteria, algae, and their economic importance. Identifytruefungi and demonstrate theprinciplesand application of plant pathology in the control of plant disease.
CO 4: Demonstrate skills in laboratory, field, and glasshouse work related to mycology and plant pathology.
CO 5: Develop an understanding of microbes, fungi, and lichens and appreciate their adaptive strategies Identify the common plant diseases according to geographical locations anddevice control measures. Conduct experiments using skills appropriate to subdivisions.


CourseOutcome (CO):

CO1:DemonstrateanunderstandingofAlgae,Bryophytes,Pteridophytes,and Gymnosperms.

CO 2: Develop a critical understanding of morphology, anatomy, and reproduction of Algae, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, and Gymnosperms.
CO3:Understandingofplantevolution andtheirtransitiontolandhabitat.

CO 4: Demonstrate proficiency in the experimental techniques and methods of appropriate analysis of Alage, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms
CO5:EconomicimportanceofAlage,Bryophytes,Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms



1. Observationof variations thatexistininternal structure of various parts of aplantandas well as among different plant groups in support for the evolutionary concept.
2. Skilldevelopmentfortheproperdescriptionofinternalstructureusingbotanicalterms, their identification and further classification.
3. Inductionoftheenthusiasmoninternalstructureoflocallyavailableplants.

4. Understandingvariouslevelsoforganizationinaplantbodywithanoutlookinthe relationship between the structure and function through comparative studies.
5. Observationandclassificationofthefloralvariationsfromthepremisesofcollegeand house.
6. Understandingthevariousreproductivemethodssub-stagesinthelifecycleof plants

7. Observationandclassificationoftheembryologicalvariationsin angiosperms.

8. Enthusiasmtounderstandevolutionbasedonthevariationsinreproductionamong plants.



• Knowtheprinciplesandconceptofecosystems-Components,productions,Energyandlimiting factors.
• Know the concepts of productivity, measurements of productivity, food chain, food webs and trophic levels
• Understandthediversityandcharactersofmajorecosystems–Aquatic(Marinean Freshwater), Terrestrial and Agricultural ecosystems
• KnowtheConceptofbioticcommunitywiththeirSizeandstructureofbioticcommunity Physiognomy, Life-forms, stratification, ecotones and concept of edge-effect.
• Understandthecausesandpatternsofecologicalsuccession,conceptofclimax.

• KnowtheConceptofecologicalniches,speciescoexistence,overlappingandniche segregation.
• KnowtheconceptofEutrophication,Heavymetalpollution,Ozonedepletion,greenhouse effect, Global warming and its effect, Acid rains. Pesticide, particulate and nuclear radiation.
• UnderstandtheSolidwastes.NoisePollution.Pestpopulationanditsbiologicalcontrol, invasive species and their effects on native species in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.
• KnowthePatternsofdiversityinacommunity,Diversitymeasurementand indices.
• Understand the Global distribution of organisms, concept of islands, biodiversity hotspots.Methods of conservation of biodiversity.Centers for origin of cultivator plants.
• Knowthepopulationdensity,Natalityandmortality.Lifetable,populationgrowthcurves, carrying capacity.
• Knowthepositiveandnegativeinteractionsamongthe organisms.



PO 13 : Demonstrate, solve and an understanding of major concepts in all the disciplines ofchemistry.
PO14:Providestudentswithbroadandbalancedknowledgeandunderstandingofkey chemical concepts.
PO15:Understandpracticalskillssothattheycanunderstandandassessrisksandwork safely and competently in the laboratory.
PO16:Apply standardmethodologytothesolutionsofproblemsinchemistry.

PO 17 : Provide students with knowledge and skill towards employment or higher educationin chemistry or multi-disciplinary areas involving chemistry.
PO 18 : Provide students with the ability to plan and carry out experiments independently and assess the significance of outcomes.

PO 19 : Develop in students the ability to adapt and apply methodology to the solution of unfamiliar types of problems.
PO 20 : Employ critical thinking and the scientific knowledge to design, carry out, record and analyze the results of chemical reactions.
PO 21 : To prepare students effectively for professional employment or research degrees in chemical sciences.
PO22:To catertothedemandsofchemicalindustriesofwell-trainedgraduates.

PO 23 : To build confidence in the candidate to be able to work on his own in industry and institution of higher education.


CourseOutcome (CO):

CO 1 Describe the dual nature of radiation and matter; dual behavior of matter and radiation, de Broglie’s equations, Heisenberg uncertainty principle and their related problems. Quantum mechanics. Derivation of Schrodinger’s wave equation. Orbital shape s of s, p, d and f atomic orbitals, nodal planes. Electronic configurations of the atoms.
CO 2 Define periodicity, explain the cause of periodicity in properties, classify the elements into four categories according to their electronic configuration. Define atomic radii, ionisation energy, electron affinity and electronegativity, discuss the factors affecting atomic radii, describe the relationship of
atomic radii with ionization energy and electron affinity, describe the periodicity in atomic radii, ionization energy, electron affinity and electronegativity.
CO 3 Explain bond properties, electron displacement effects (inductive effect, electrometric effect,resonanceeffectandHyperconjugationeffect).stericeffectandtheirapplicationsin

explaining acidic strength of carboxylic acids, basicity of amines. Understand basic concept of organic reaction mechanism, types of organic reactions, structure, stability and reactivity of reactive intermediates.
CO 4 Describe important characteristics of configurationally and conformational isomers. Practiceandwriteconformationalisomersofethane,butane andcyclohexane.Understandthe variousconceptsofgeometricalisomerismandopticalisomerism. Describe CIPrulesto assign E,Z notations and R& S notations. Explain D and L configuration and threo and erythro nomenclature. Explain racemic mixture and racemisation, resolution of racemic mixture through mechanical separation, formation of diastereomers, and biochemical methods, biological significance of chirality.
CO 5 Explain the existence of different states of matter in terms of balance between intermolecular forcesand thermal energyoftheparticles. Explain thelawsgoverning behavior of ideal gases and real gases. Understand cooling effect of gas on adiabatic expansion. Describe the conditions required for liquefaction of gases. Realize that there is continuity in gaseous and liquid state. Explain properties of liquids in terms of intermolecular attractions.
CO 6 Understand principles of titrimetric analysis. Understand principles of different type’s titrations. Titration curves for all types of acids – base titrations. Gain knowledge about balancing redox equations, titration curves, theory of redox indicators and applications.
CO 7 Understand titration curves, indicators for precipitation titrations involving silver nitrate- Volhard’sand Mohr’smethods and their differences. Indicators for EDTA titrations - theory of metal ion indicators. Determination of hardness of water.


CourseOutcome (CO):

CO1: Explain ionic bond, Born Lande equation ,Born Haber cycle and Fajan’s rules. StateVSEPR theory, hybridisation and shapes of various molecules. Understand the concept of resonance and write resonating structures of NO3 -, CO3 2- and SO4 2

CO2:ExplainMOTheoryanddrawtheMOdiagramsforhomonucleardiatomicmoleculesand ions of 1st and 2nd periods and heteronuclear diatomic molecules such as CO, NO and NO+. Compare MO and VB theory.
CO3: Learn preparation and reactions of alkanes, alkenes and alkynes. Clear the concept learning mechanism of Free radical mechanism of halogenations of alkanes. Understand the mechanisms of addition reactions of alkenes and alkynes.
CO4: Learn the concept of polymerization, ozonolysis in alkenes and alkynes. Learn acidity of alkynes, formation of metal acetylides and their applications. Explain cycloalkanes and their relative stability. Explain conformational analysis of cyclohexane with Karplus energy diagram. Axial and equatorial bonds. Relative stability of mono substituted cycloalkanes.
CO5: Expected to learn symmetry elements, unit cells, crystal systems. Learn Bravais lattice, types and identification of lattice planes. Explain laws of crystallography - law of constancy of interfacial angles, law of rational indices.
CO6: Miller indices. X–Ray diffraction by crystals, Bragg’s law. Structures of NaCl, KCl and CsCl (qualitativetreatmentonly).Explain defectsin crystals. Learn theapplicationsofliquidcrystals. Learn the concept of reaction rates. Effect of temperature, pressure, catalyst and other factors on reaction rates.



CO1: Explain free electron theory, physical properties of metals, distinguish between conductors, insulators, extrinsic and intrinsic semi conductors, Appreciate the importance of Hydrogen bond, applications ofhydrogenbonding,van der Waals forces and factors affecting the strength and magnitude of van der Waals forces.
CO2 : Explain anomalous properties of lithium, diagonal relationship among elements preparation,uses,structureandbondingindiborane,borazine,boronnitride,carboranes,

classificationofsilicatesandtheirstructures,oxidesandoxyacidsofnitrogen,oxoacidsof phosphorus, sulphur and chlorine, inter halogen compounds and xenon compounds.
CO3: Understand preparation, general mechanism and named reactions of benzene and alkyl benzenes.
CO4:Describetheoryoforientation,explanationonthebasisofstabilityofsigmacomplex using electron withdrawing and electron donating groups.
CO5: Understand relative synthesis, mechanisms and reactivities of halogen in alkyl halides,vinyl halides, allyl halides, aryl halides and aryl-alkyl halides.
CO6: Know different methods of synthesis of primary, secondary and tertiary their reactionsand mechanisms.
CO7:.Understanddifferentthermodynamicprocesses,firstlawofthermodynamics,workdone, significance of enthalpy, Joule-Thomson effect and applications Kirchhoff's equation.


CO10: Learn thelawofchemical equllibrium, Le-Chatelier’s principle, relationsbetween Kp, Kc and Kx, ionic equilibria, hydrolysis, pH, common ion effect, solubility and solubility product.
CO11:Understandtheprinciplesandprocessesofmetallurgy,extractionofdandfblock elements and powder metallurgy.
CO12:Awareofalloys, purposeofmaking,compositionandsignificanceofalloys.



CO1: Understand the general characteristics of d and f- block elements with reference to electronic configuration, colors, variable oxidation states, magnetic properties etc., separation of lanthanoids by ionexchange method and preparation of trans-uranic elements (up to Z=103).
CO2: Acquaint with general properties and types of inorganic polymers, silicones and phosphazines.
CO3:LearnBronsted-Lowryconcept,Lux-floodconcept,LewisconceptandUsanvich-sandvich concept and their limitations. HSAB concept and its applications.
CO4: Gain knowledge of acidic character, comparative acid strengths of alcohols and phenols and mechanism of named reactions.
CO5: Familiar with Williamson’s ether synthesis, epoxides and Crown Ethers formation and properties
CO6: Understand the synthesis of aldehydes and ketones, their properties, named reactions mechanism.
CO7: Appreciate the significance of entropy, second law of thermodynamics, change in entropy and other thermodynamic parameters with respect temperature.
CO8: Know types of adsorption isotherms, types of catalysis and their theories with examples and autocatalysis.
CO9:Knowthemanufacture,propertiesandapplicationsofglassand cement.






PSO1:Understandbasicconceptsinvolvedin computing.

PSO2:Applytheknowledgein computertechniquestosolverealworldproblems.




PSO6:Understandgoodlab practices.


CourseOutcome (CO):

CO 1:Familiarizewith fundamentalconceptsandcomputerprogramming.

CO 2 : Learn fundamental concepts of programming by developing and executing programsin C.
CO3:Focusesonthestructuredprogram. CO4 : Variousconstructsand their syntax.


CourseOutcome (CO):

CO1:Toimpartthebasicconceptsofdatastructuresand algorithms.

CO 2 : To familiar with data structural algorithms such as sorting & searching, stack & queue, linked list and trees.
CO 3: Tobe familiarwithsome graphalgorithms suchas binary tree representation of tree and operations on trees.

CO5: Howtousebasicdatastructureforprogram implementation.




CO2:ImplementClasses,objectsand constructors.

CO 3: Write JAVA programs using OOP concepts like Abstraction, Encapsulation,Inheritance and Polymorphism.

CO 5:DemonstratethebasicprinciplesofcreatingJava applicationswithGUI.


CourseOutcomes (COs):

CO1:Explainthevariousdatabaseconceptsandtheneedfordatabase systems.

CO 2: Identify and define database objects, enforce integrity constraints on a database using DBMS.


CO5:ConvertanERdiagramtoadatabaseschemaanddeduceittothedesired normal form.

CO 6: Formulate queries in Relational Algebra, Structured Query Language (SQL) for database manipulation.



PSO1: Provide learning experiences that provide broad knowledge and understanding of key concepts of Electronics and equip students with advanced scientific / technologicalcapabilities for analyzing and

PSO2. Develop ability in students to apply knowledge and skills they have acquired to solve specific theoretical and applied problems in Electronics
PSO3: Develop abilities in students to design and develop innovative solutions for the benefit of society.
PSO4: Provide students with skills that enable them to get employment in industries orpursue higher studies or research assignments or turn as enterpreneurs.


CourseOutcome (CO):

CO1:Abilitytoapplyknowledgeoflogicalthinkingandbasicsciencefor solving Electronic related issues.


CO3. Ability to design and manage electronic system or processes that conformtoagivenspecificationwithinethicalandeconomicconstraints. CO4:. Ability to identify, formulate, solve and analyse the problems in various sub-disciplines of Electronics.


CourseOutcome (CO):


CO2.Applystandarddevicemodelstoexplain/calculatecriticalinternalparametersof semiconductor devices.
CO3.Explain thebehaviorandcharacteristicsofpowerdevicessuchasUJT,SCR,Diac, Triac etc.



CO7.Understandbasiclogicgates,conceptsofBooleanalgebraandtechniquestoreduce/simplify Boolean expressions



1) UnderstandVerilogashardwaredescriptionlanguagewhichisusedtomodelelectronic systems.
2) UnderstandbasicsofsystemVeriloganddevelopmentofdigitaldesignusingVerilog.

3) Understandthebasicsofsimulationandsynthesistools.

4) UnderstandbasicsofHDL,itssyntax,dataflowmodelingandpracticalexamples.

5) Buildastrongfoundationinprogrammingandlogicalthinking.

6) DevelopC-Programs.

7) Controlthesequenceoftheprogramusingcontrolstatementsandlooping.

8) Implementarraysandstringsinthe program.



1. KnowthebasicconceptofAnalog Communication.

2. UnderstandtheprinciplewithwhichAnalogCommunication works.

3. KnowtheVariousmodulationtechniquesinvolvedinradiocommunicationbeforethe transmission.
4. Understandthevariousblocksinvolvedinradio transmitter.

5. Know different detection process involved in receiver to detect the original signal and able to design “AM” and “FM” detectors.

6. Familiarwith“AM”and“FM”superheterodynereceiver.

7. UnderstandthebasicconceptofPulseModulation,CarrierModulationfordigital transmission and able to construct simple pulse modulation.



PSO 1 : Culminate in-depth knowledge of Algebra, Calculus, Geometry, differential equations and several other branches of mathematics and also in other allied subjects.
PSO 2 : To communicate various mathematical concepts effectively using examples and their geometrical visualization which can be used for modeling and solving of real life problems.
PSO 3 : Acquire ability of critical thinking and logical reasoning and capability of recognizing and distinguishing the various aspects of real life problems.
PSO 4 : Develop an ability to analyze the problems, identify and define appropriatecomputing requirements for its solutions.
PSO 5 : Develop the capability of inquiring about appropriate questions relating to the Mathematical concepts in different areas of Mathematics.
PSO 6 : Use appropriate softwares to solve system of algebraic equation and differential equations.
PSO 7 : Develop an ability of working independently and to make an in-depth study ofvarious notions of Mathematics.
PSO 8 : Develop an ability to identify unethical behavior such as fabrication, falsification or misinterpretation of data and adopting objectives, unbiased and truthful actions in all aspects of life in general and Mathematical studies in particular.

PSO 9 : Think independently and develop algorithms and computational skills for solving real word problems.



CO 1: Learn to solve the system of homogeneous and non-homogeneous linear equations in m variables by using concept of rank of matrix, finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
CO2:SketchcurvesinCartesian,polarandpedal equations.


CO 4: Get familiar with the techniques of integration and differentiation of function with real variables.
CO5:Identifyandapplytheintermediatevaluetheorems andL’HospitalruleandTracethe curves.


CourseOutcome (CO):

CO1:Recognizethecountablesetand groups.



CO 4:Finding theextremevaluesof functions.

CO 5:Evaluatemultiple integration.


Course Outcome(CO):

CO1:Solve first-ordernon-lineardifferentialequationsandlineardifferentialequations.



CO4:Applythesetechniquesto solveandanalyzevariousmathematical models.

CO5:Understandthefundamentalpropertiesoftherealnumbersthatleadtodefine sequence and series in the formal development of real analysis.
CO6:LearntheconceptofConvergenceandDivergenceof asequence.

CO 7: Able to handle and understand limits and their use in sequences, series, differentiation, and integration.
CO 8: Apply the ratio, root, alternating series, and limit comparison tests for convergence and absolute convergence fan infinite series.




CO3:Solvelinearandnon-linearpartialdifferentialequationsusingvariousmethods;and apply these methods to solving some physical problems.
CO4:Abletotakemorecoursesonwaveequation,heatequation,andLaplace equation.

CO5:SolvePDEbyLaplaceTransformsandFourier Transforms.



PSO 1 :culminate in depth knowledge of almost all basic branches of physics such as mechanics, properties of matter, relativity, electricity and magnetism, wave motion, optics, thermal physics, electronics, classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, nuclear physics, condensedmatterphysicsandalso advancedareaslikeNano science, energyscience, astrophysics, instrumentation.
PSO 2 : communicate effectively physics concepts with examples related to day to day life. Acquire ability of recognizing and distinguishing various aspects of physics found in real life.
PSO 3 : learn, perform and design experiments in the laboratory to demonstrate the concepts principles, laws of physics, theories learnt in the class rooms.
PSO 4 : acquire ability of critical thinking and logical reasoning in physics problems and their solutions. Develop ability to analyze physics problem including simple to thought provoking problems and apply the acquired knowledge to solve.
PSO 5 : appreciate the importance of physics subjects and its application for pursuing interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary higher education and research in these areas.
PSO 6 : understand the vast scope of physics as theoretical and experimental science with application in finding solution of problems in nature spanning from smallest dimension 10-15 m to highest dimension 1026 m in space, covering energy ranges from 10-10 eV to 1025 eV.
PSO 7 : think independently and develop algorithm and program using programming techniques for solving real world physics problems.
PSO 8 : develop ability of working independently and to make in-depth study of various notions of physics.

PSO 9 develop ability to apply the knowledge and skill acquired through experiments of physics in laboratories to solve real life problems.


Outcome (CO):

CO 1 : Analyze data, (graphical and analytical), through estimation of errors and their sources in experimental determination of physical quantities. Also able to fit experimental data to straight line graph and calculate standard deviation, standard error and probable error.
CO 2 : Distinguish inertial, non-inertial and rotational frames of reference. Also able understand and distinguish real, fictitious and Coriolis force and its importance in real life.
CO 3 : Distinguish Galilean, Lorentz transformation and their applications .Understand special theory of relativity by studying variation of length, mass and time with relativistic velocity
CO 4 : Analyze collision problems through laboratory and center of mass frame of reference, also able to relate these two frames.
CO 5 : Understand concept of moment of inertia of regular/irregular bodies and its variation with axes through distribution of mass
CO 6 : Find Young’s modulus, rigidity modulus and their importance in understanding materials and applications.
CO 7 : Understand concept of surface tension and viscosity of liquids and their experimental determination.
CO 8 Understand importance of surface tension and viscosity of liquids/fluids in real life situation (everyday life).


CourseOutcome (CO):



CO3:applytheresonantcircuitsinthefield ofcommunicationandsignaloscillatorbuilding

CO4: apply concepts of AC and DC bridges to determine values of resistance, capacitance of capacitor and self- inductance of coil.
CO5:.understand how to produce magnetic field from electric current. Understand magnetic field produced by current in toroid and solenoid.
CO6:distinguishSeebackandPeltiereffectandtheirapplicationstoreallife.Alsoableto distinguish different type of thermocouples as temperature sensors.
CO7: explain Maxwell’s equations to articulate the relationship between varying electric andmagnetic field. Also able to explain electromagnetic waves and their characteristics




CO2 observe different Lissajous figureswhen two SHM areacting Perpendicular to each other with different frequencies and able to calculate unknown frequency of a component.
CO3 set up a spectrometer experiment for the measurement of wavelength, dispersive power of a prism etc.

CO5calculatecardinalpointsofopticalsystemsusinggoniometerandturntable experimental setup.
CO6 demonstrate interference of light due to division of wave front and amplitude in case of Fresnel’s biprism/Lloyd mirror and Newton’s rings experimental arrangements.
CO7explaindiffractiongratingandhencecalculationofresolving power.

CO8 measure wavelength of monochromatic light using Michelson interferometer. Diffraction due to single slit and double slit experiments.
CO9measurethewavelengthoflaserlightusingsingle/doubleslit experiment.



CO1.Applythelawsofthermodynamicsandanalyzethethermalsystemandcomparethe efficiency and working of steam, Otto and Diesel engine.

CO3.studytheMaxwell’sthermodynamicalrelationswithdifferent applications.

CO4. Analyze the significance of thermodynamic potentials and develop the relation between thermo dynamical potential with their variables.
CO5.distinguish the current and voltage source and construct the power supply with different filter circuits and its importance in real life.
CO6.Usetheconcept ofsemiconductorto describeBJT,FETetcandexplaintheirfunctions and applications.
CO7. Describe the construction of IC-555 and its use in the astable multivibrator to generate rectangular waveform.

CO8. explain the functioning of op-Amp and use them as the building blocks of applications. use of logic gates with different theorems of Boolean algebra followed by logics circuits.



PO 1: Students gain knowledge and skill in the fundamentals of animal sciences, understands the complex interactions among various living organisms
PO2:Analyzecomplexinteractionsamongthevariousanimalsofdifferentphyla,their distribution and their relationship with the environment
PO3:Applytheknowledgeofinternalstructureofcell,itsfunctionsincontrolofvarious metabolic functions of organisms

PO5:Correlatesthephysiologicalprocesses ofanimalsandrelationshipoforgansystems

PO 6: Understanding of environmental conservation processes and its importance, pollution control and biodiversity and protection of endangered species
PO7:Gainknowledgeofagrobasedsmallscaleindustrieslikesericulture,fishfarming, butterfly farming and vermicompost production
PO8:Understandsaboutvariousconceptsofgeneticsanditsimportanceinhuman health



PO11: Candidates findopportunities ingovernmentdepartments,environmental agencies, universities, colleges, biotechnological, pharmaceutical, environmental/ecological fields.

PO 12: There are numerous career opportunities for candidates completing their B.Sc, M.Scand Ph.D. in Zoology in public and private sectors.



CO1:Thestructureandfunctionofthecell organelles.

CO2:Thechromatinstructureandits location.

CO 3 :The basic principle of life, how a cell divides leading to the growth of an Organism and also reproduces to form a new organisms.
CO4:Howacell communicateswithitsneighboring cells.

CO 5:Theprinciplesofinheritance,Mendel‘slawsandthe deviations.

CO6:Howenvironmentplaysanimportantrolebyinteractingwith geneticfactors.



CourseOutcome (CO):

CO1: To develop a deep understanding of structure of biomolecules like proteins, lipids andcarbohydrates.
CO 2: How simple molecules together form complex macromolecules. CO3:Tounderstandthethermodynamicsofenzymecatalyzed reactions. CO 4: Mechanisms of energy production at cellular and molecular levels. CO 5: To understand various functional components of an organism.


CO7:Tocomprehendtheregulatorymechanismsformaintenanceoffunctioninthe body.


CourseOutcome (CO):

CO1: Acquire better understanding and comprehensive knowledge regarding most of the essential aspects of molecular biology subject, which in turn will provide a fantastic opportunity to develop professional skill related to the field of molecular biology.
CO2: The course will mainly focus on the study of principal molecular events of cell incorporating DNA Replication, Transcription and Translation in prokaryotic as well as eukaryotic organisms.


CourseOutcome (CO):

CO1: Acquaint knowledge on versatile tools and techniques employed in genetic engineering and recombinant DNA technology.
CO2: An understanding on application of genetic engineering techniques in basic and applied experimental biology.


CO5: Use, and interpret results of, the principal methods of statistical inference and design; helps to communicate the results of statistical analyses accurately and effectively; helps in usage of appropriate tool of statistical software.

ProgrammeSpecificOutcome (PSO):

1. Exposedtoanddemonstrateabroadknowledgeofmajorandminorwriters,textsand contexts and defining issues of canonical and non canonical literature
2. WillbeenrichedbyfamiliaritywithotherliteraturesandmoreimportantlywithIndian writers their ethos and tradition of writing and discourse
3. Wouldhavehonedtheirskillsofremembering,understanding,applying,analyzing evaluation and creating literature
4. Wouldbeableto writewithclarity, creativityandpersuasiveness.

5. Mostimportantly,learnerswoulddevelopanddemonstrateanawarenessofthesignificanceof literatureand literary formsand thedebatesof culturetheygenerate asvalues.
6. Beequippedwithadvancedliterary,linguisticskills.

7. CompetencyintheuseofEnglish from/foravarietyofdomains.

8. Haveaspiritofinquiryandcritical thinking.

9. Beabletoarticulatethoughtsandgenerate/understandmultiple interpretations.

10. Locateandcontextualizetextsacrosstheoreticalorientationsculturalspaces.

11. Possess Reading and writing skills catering to academic and other professional discipline viz. print and electronic media, advertising, content writing etc.
12. Imbibeamulti-disciplinaryapproachinhighereducationand research.

13. Beskilledinmultipledomainsand careers.

14. BecomeadeptatuseofEnglish inthecurrenttechnological climate.

15. Havehands-onworkexperience.





1. Exposedtoanddemonstrateabroadknowledgeofmajorandminorwriters,textsand contexts and defining issues of canonical and non-canonical literature
2. WillbeenrichedbyfamiliaritywithotherliteraturesandmoreimportantlywithIndian writers their ethos and tradition of writing and discourse
3. Wouldhavehonedtheirskillsofremembering,understanding,applying,analyzing evaluation and creating literature
4. Wouldbeableto writewithclarity, creativityand persuasiveness.

5. Mostimportantly,learnerswoulddevelopanddemonstrateanawarenessofthesignificanceof literature and literary formsand the debatesof culture theygenerate as values.
6. Beequippedwithadvancedliterary,linguisticskills.

7. CompetencyintheuseofEnglishfrom/foravarietyofdomains.

8. Haveaspiritofinquiryandcritical thinking.

9. Beabletoarticulatethoughtsandgenerate/understandmultiple interpretations.

10. Locateandcontextualisetextsacrosstheoreticalorientationsculturalspaces.

11. Possess Reading and writing skills catering to academic and other professional discipline viz. print and electronic media, advertising, content writing etc.
12. Imbibeamulti-disciplinaryapproachinhighereducationand research.

13. Beskilledinmultipledomainsand careers.

14. BecomeadeptatuseofEnglish inthecurrenttechnological climate.

15. Havehands-onworkexperience.


CourseOutcome (CO):

1. Conceptstodiscussandanalyzeworksofliterature.

2. Identify structural elements of works of poetry, fiction, and drama, and analyze how those elements help create specific meanings and effects.
3. Compareworksofliteraturein termsoftheme,structure, anduseofliterary devices

4. Studentswillgainanunderstandingofthedevelopment ofliterature

5. Toappreciateliteraryformandstructureinshapingatext’smeaning


CourseOutcome (CO):

1. Identifyandunderstandthebasicconceptsoflanguage,linguisticsandphonetics.

2. Comprehendandbeableto usethevariousstructuresandpartsofalanguage.

3. Understandandputintopracticethevariousfunctionsoflanguage.

4. Willbetrainedtouselinguisticresources.

5. WillbeabletodistinguishvariousdialectsofEnglish.

Semester– III


1) LearntheimportanttrendsandmovementsintheBritishliteratureoftheprescribed period

2) IdentifyandunderstandthecanonicalliteratureofEngland

3) Distinguishthepoets,playwrightsandnovelistsofdifferent periods

4) Appreciatesomerepresentativetextsoftheprescribedperiod



1) LearntheimportanttrendsandmovementsintheBritishliteratureofprescribedperiod

2) IdentifyandunderstandcanonicalliteratureofEngland

3) Distinguishthepoets,playwrightsandnovelistsofdifferent periods

4) Appreciatesomerepresentativetextsoftheprescribedperiod



CourseOutcome (CO):









SWAIAM Invitation MMC Function

Student Satisfaction Survey (2023-24)
Bhoomika, Placement Cell, and IQAC jointly Organizing a


By Shriram Study Circle Ankola for B.A and B.Sc students
Resource Person: Shri. Suraj Nayak, Ankola President: Dr. T.S. Halemane, principal Date : 8-12-2023 Time: 11am Venue. Motensar Hall




Sirsi taluk that lies in the lap of the great sahyadris is naturally endowed with scenic beauty and salubrious environment. In the map of the Uttara Kannada district it has a unique identity for its sound socio- economic fabric and rich cultural heritage. But the people of this taluk were not educationally empowered for higher learning till the founding of the Modern Education Society in the year 1962. This premier educational organization was established with an aim to provide higher education to the aspirant learners of the upper ghat talukas of the U.K. district. The dreams of a large section of the ambitious youths, especially of girls to get a degree of their interest and choice would not have been realized without the founding of this educational organization. The MES has been presently running 16 institutions, including various branches of studies like Arts, Science, Commerce, Law, Polytechnic, Job-Oriented courses, Diploma in Nursing, aided and unaided multi-disciplinary Pre-university courses etc. on the sprawling 50 acres of area. All the institutions of the Society have made a distinctive mark in their respective fields on the educational map of the State.






Phone No.:08384 - 236377


Taluk: SIRSI

District:Uttara Kannada


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