7/29 N.C.C.


1. Beginning Background.

2. Objectives of N.C.C. unit.

3. Our N.C.C. Officers.

4. Bio-Data of the present N.C.C. Officer.

5. Activities undertaken

6. Prominent Alumnies of the Department.

7. Available infrastructure of the Dept.

8. Contents of NCC Training Programme.

9. Impact of Training & Contribution to Social Cause.

10. B & C Certificates Results.

( Photo Album Separately Maintained)

1. Beginning Background :

M.M. College was started during 1962. The initiative for NCC Training commenced from the very inception for both Boys & Girls. Naval Wing for Boys, and Army Wing for both Boys and Girls. The institution provided Naval Training till 1971 and training to Girls till 1983. The changes in policy , compulsory N.C.C. activities altered the strength to a lesser number for qualitative improvements.

2. Objectives of the N.C.C. unit :

The N.C.C. department organises the training activities as per the direction of the N.C.C. Head Quarters to achieve the following objectives :

1. Physical Fitness

2. Development of Leadership

3. Generating Adventure Spirit

4. Sportsman Spirit

5. Secular Outlook

6. Defense Knowledge

7. First Aid Training

8. Awareness of Self-Less Service

9. Creation of Trained, Motivated and Disciplined Manpower, which could be help to the nation.

10. Prepare Suitable Environment for Securing Human Resource for
Defense Forces.

11. Skill Development

12. Development of All-round Personality.

3. Our NCC Officers In the Past and Present :

Lt. C. V. Itagatti

Lt. S. G. Prathakal

Lt. D. R. Hardi

Capt. D. S. R. Jamakhandi

Lt. S. V. Hegde

Major S.I. Bhat

Lt. T. S. Halemane

Ashwath Hegde (CTO)

: 1963-1965

: 1963-1971

: 1964-1968

: 1966-1980

: 1972-1977

: 1980-2004

: 2004 -2022

: (Present)

Naval Wing :

Sub- Lt. A. K. Shastry

Sub- Lt. K. V. Sundar Raju

: 1965-1970

: 1970-1971

Girls NCC, Army :

Capt Nehala Hangal

: 1966-1983



Date of Birth

Education Qualifications

Teaching Experience

N.C.C Experience

Length of Service

: Ashwath Hegde

: 08th Sept , 1994

: Msc BEd.

: 2 year

: 1 year


5. Activities undertaken

NCC Report 2018-19

During the year 2018-19 training programmes were commenced on the first Saturday of August-2018 as per the central training programme. Many colourful events were carried at the coy and BN level through the year. Our cadets achieved excellence in many camps at both state and national level.

Among the events/programmes under taken the following major activities topped the NCC calendar.

• 14 SD and 16 SW a total of 30 cadets attended CATC camp held at Karwar dated 05th June to 14th June 2018.

• 03 SD and 03SW a total of 06 cadets attended NIC camp held at Chamba Uttarakhand dated 11th June to 22nd June 2018.

• Tree plantation programme was held 16th august 2018.

• 05 SD cadets and one ANO attended TSC I camp held at Jadhavanagar Belagavi dated 29-06-2018 to 08-07-2018.

• Blood donation camp was held on 29-08-2018, 30 units of blood were donated by the cadets as a noble service. More than hundreds of cadets checked their blood group.

• 03 Sd and 06 SW a total of 09 cadets attended TSC II camp held at Belagavi, dated 14th July to 23 July 2018.

• 03 SD cadets attended group TSC III camp held at Belagavi dated 24th July to 2nd August 2018.

• Swaccha Bharat Abhiyan was held last week of September 2018 in the college premises.

• 01 SD and 04 SW a total of 05 cadets attended pre-RD camp held at Hubli dated 26-09-2018 to 05-10-2018.

• One day yoga programme was held at M.M. Arts & Science college Sirsi dated 21-06-2018.

• 03 SD cadets attended Inter Group TSC camp held at Vijayapura dated 26th August to 04th September 2018

• 02 SD cadets attended National level Trekking camp, held at Belagavi dated 10 December to 22nd December 2018

• Dondu Babu Pandarmeese attended TSC camp, held at New Delhi dated 17th September to 28th September 2018

• 07 SD and 06 SW a total of 13 cadets and one ANO attended CATC camp held at Karwar, dated 02nd January to 11th January 2019.

• Gandhi Jayanthi was celebrated on 02nd October 2018 Shramadhan was arranged on the same day.

COY Commander

NCC Report 2019-20

During the year 2019-20 training programes were commenced on the first Friday of August 2019 as per the central training programm. Many colourful events were carried at the coy and BN level throughout the year. Our cadets achieved excellence in much camps at both state and national level.

Among the events/programmes under taken the following major activities topped the NCC calendar.

• 27 SD and 20 SW a total of 47 cadets attended CATC camp held at Karwar dated 26-05-2019 to 4-06-2019.

• One day yoga programme was held at MM Arts & Science College, Sirsi dated 21-06-2019.

• 02 S.D. and 04 SW a total of 06 cadets attended TSC I camp held at Belagavi. Dated 1st July to 10th July 2019.

• 5 SD and 02 SW a total of 07 cadets attended BLC camp held at Hubli dated 12-07-2019 to 21-07-2019

• 01 SD cadet attended Inter Group TSC II & III camps held at Vijayapur in the month of August 2019.

• Tree Plantation Programme was held 10th August 2019.

• Blood Donation camp was held on 28-08-2019, 52 units of blood were donated by the cadets as a noble service. More than hundreds of cadets checked their blood group.

• 05 SD and 04 SW a total of 09 cadets attended NSC Camp held at Karwar dated 11-09-2019 to 20-09-2019

• 02 S.D. and 04 SW a total of 06 cadets attended TSC I camp held at Belagavi. Dated 1st July to 10th July 2019.

• 02 SD and 03 SW a total of 05 cadets attended CATC Camp held at Dharwad dated 16-12-2019 to 25-12-2019

• 01 SD cadet attended NIC Camp held at Secundarabad in the month of January 2020.

COY Commander

NCC Report 2020-21

During the year 2020-21 Training programmes were commenced on the first Friday of August 2020 as per the central programme. Many colourful events were carried at the Coy and Bn level through out of the year. Our Cadets achieved excellence in much camps at both state and National level.

Among the events/programmes under taken the following major activities topped the NCC calendar.

• “Yoga from Home” was practiced on the eve of International Yoga Day 21-06-2020”

• Kargil Vijay Diwas online Webinar Programme was arranged on 26-07-2020

• Tree Plantation Programme was held 12th June -2020

• Gandhi Jayanti was celebrated on 02nd October 2020

• 48 SD and 19 SW a total of 67 cadets attended CATC camp held at Karwar dated 11th January to 15th January 2021.

• Republic Day was celebrated on 26th January 2021.

• SD and 01 SW a total of 02 cadets attended five days online certificate course in the month of January 2021.

Coy commander

NCC REPORT 2021-2022

During the year 2021-22 NCC training Programmes were commenced on the First Friday of September 2021. as per the central training Programme. Many colourful events were carried at the Coy and at BN level throughout the year and our cadets achieved excellence in many camps at both state and national level.

Among the events/ Programmes under taken the following major activities topped the NCC calendar.

• International Yoga day was celebrated on 21.06.2021

• Kargil Vijay Diwas was celebrated on 26.07.2021

• Tree Plantation Programme was held on August 2021

• Independence Day was celebrated on 15th August 2021.

• On 2nd October 2021 Gandhi Jayanti was celebrated..

• 11 SD and 9 SW, total 20 cadets participated in RDC camp in October 2021 held at Belgaum.

• Two SD cadets participated in the RDC at Delhi, in January 2022, and made our institution and the unit proud. For this achievement a Felicitation programme was held for the cadets at Bengaluru in March 2022 on behalf of the Governor, CM, and DDG of NCC.

• Republic Day was celebrated on 26th January 2022.

Coy Commander

NCC REPORT 2022-2023

During the year 2022-2 NCC training Programmes were commenced on the First Friday of August 2022. as per the central training Programme. Many colourful events were carried at the Coy and at BN level throughout the year and our cadets achieved excellence in many camps at both state and national level.

Among the events/ Programmes under taken the following major activities topped the NCC calendar.

• International Yoga day was celebrated on 21.06.2022

• Tree Plantation Programme was held in August 2022

• Independence Day was celebrated on 15th August 2022.

• On 2nd October 2022 Gandhi Jayanti was celebrated..

• 2 SD and 3 SW, total 5 cadets participated in pre - RDC camp in November 2022 held at Belgaum.

• Two Sw cadets participated in the IGC camp at Bengaluru in November 2022.

• National Youth Day was celebrated on 12th January 2023.

• 6 SD cadets participated in Army ATT camp held at Belgaum on Jan 9 to Jan 20, 2023.

• Republic Day was celebrated on 26 th January 2023

Coy Commander

Result Sheet From 2018 to 2023

1. B& C Certificate Results :

• ‘B’ Certificate Exam


• ‘C’ Certificate Exam


• NCC B certificate Result-100%
NCC B MES com Result – 100%
NCC ‘C’ Certificate Result – 90%
MES com Result – 90%


1 SUO. Ravindra. U. Bhat, Officer T.S.S. Shimogga.

2. JUO. Mamata J. Patil, Service at BTMC, Bangalore.

3. SUO. Bhuvaneshwari Hegde, Officer Infosys Bangalore

4. SUO. Shubha Hegde, Service in Private Sector Sirsi.

5. Sgt. Raghupati Hegde, Teacher, GHS Hegdekatta.

6. SUO. Nagaraj N. J., participated in RD parade at Delhi.

7. Sgt. Vikram Nayak, Teacher P.M. High Shool, Ankola.

8. Sgt. Kiran Hegde, Journalist, Belgaum.

9. Cdt. Ganga Hegde, Teacher, Govt. School, Bargi, Kumta.

10. Cdt Aminsab Nadaf, Police officer, Bangalore.

11. Cdt Sunil Bhat, Medical Officer, Hubli.

12. Sgt. Smitha R. Nayak, Dance Teacher, Shirali, Bhatkal.

13. Cdt. Jayalaxmi V. Kumta, LIC Officer, Sirsi.

14. Cdt. Suhas G. Hegde, Engineer, Tiptur.

15. JUO. Nitish Kanetkar, Civil Engineer, Shimoga.

16. Cdt. Poornima D.A. Teacher,, Sirsi.

17. S.U.O. Mahantesh K. I. Medical Distributer, Mangalore.

18. Cdt. Usha G. Shetty, State level Athlets, Sirsi.

19. S.U.O. Saiprasad Hegde, Lecturer, MES College Sirsi.

20. JUO. Praveen Devadiga, Training Officer,

21. Cdt. Sampat Shastri , Malecular Conection Co Bangalore

22. Cdt. Hanumanta Gouda S.Malavalli, Acc groupBangalore

23. S.U.O. Mahesh Hegde ICICI Bank Mumbai

24. Cdt. Pavan Hegde Lecturer M.M. College Sirsi

25. Cdt. Omkar Marathe Jindal Co. Bellary

26. Cdt. Ankit. C Naik Officer, NWKSRTC Hubli

27. S.U.O. Genesh Palankar, Jewellery Shop. Bangalore

28. S.U.O. Nagaraj Bandari, Indian Army. Kashmir .

29. Cdt. Gouri Shetty, Banavasi Sirsi

30. Cdt. Spoorti Naik Shanti Nagar Sirsi

31 S U O Ellish Rodrigues - participate in RD parade

32 J U O Sharath K Naik - participate in RD parade

7. Available Infrastructure of the Department :

Office is located in Room No. 20 of the M.M. College Building Occupying 400Sq ft Area.
There are 4 rooms with a space of about 600Sq ft
Area for storage of uniforms, Training materials and the rest room for instructional Staff.
Training Staff
One junior Commissioned Officers, Two Non Commissioned Officers are Authorized Strength of the Training Team of the Department.
Training Area
The College has a very vast play ground used as Drill Practice area. Tree Garden Shaded areas are used for battle Craft Training.
Training Materials
Charts, Hand Books Cadet Journals, Cadet Dairy, Lesson Plans are available for training purpose. Targets are locally prepared and supplied for firing practice. 17 Rifles are kept in the Rural Police Station Sirsi for Weapon Training . Sports materials are supplied by the college.
Command & Control
Training unit is commanded by Lt. T.S.Halemane
Company Commander. Administrative Support is given by the Principal of the College. Battalion Commander’s periodical visits and annual inspection will ensure quality aspect and the effective training and control of the activities.
Time Schedule
Training consists of 120 periods of 40 minutes during the Academic year. Parades are conducted on Saturdays. It commences on first Saturday of August and normally closes on 26th January of the next year. Training is spread over 20 Saturdays.
Each Saturday it commences at 2.00 P.M. continues up to 6.00 P.M. 15th August and 26th January Parades are Ceremonial Parades. Remaining Periods are devoted for training purpose.

8. Contents of N.C.C. Training Programme :

1. Time Allotted

2. Spread over of Training

3. Training Day

4. Subject Covered







5.Strength of the Unit



: 80 Hours per year.

: August - January.

: Msc BEd.

1. First aid.
2. Civil Defense.
3. Hygiene & Sanitation.
4. Physical Training.
5. Weapon Training.
6. Field Craft.
7. Leadership Training.
8. Social service.
9. Map-Reading.
10. National Integration Awareness training.
11. Self-Defense.
12. Military History & Battle Craft.

: Boys : 90
Girls : 70
Total : 160


1. National Integration : Students of different Caste, Creed & Social background come together for training. They live together and join for common food. This interaction leads to emotional integration among boys and girls.

2. The training imparted has the impact of development of Leadership skill along with organizing and Human skill useful to lead the group.

3. It has observed that the trained candidates with positive attitudes with recognition and respect for service.

4. Snake-bite, shocks, burns, drowning are common dangers. N.C.C. Cadets are trained in first aid and also Self defense for protection.

5. The training has the impact of positive contribution to the Development of individual personality.

6. It has resulted in creation of awareness for hygiene and Sanitation.

7. Trekking, Camps, Mountaineering Courses, have created Nature awareness.

8. Training has helped in the promotion of Disciplined and organized manpower available in times of need.

9. It has improved Defense Knowledge of young generation particularly Map-reading, Field Craft, & Military history.

10. Development of Sense of Discipline, Patriotic Feeling, Habit of Hardworking and Duty Consciousness.

Coy Commander


NCC Programm at Karwar

Constitution day

Tree plantation

Tree plantation


Felicitation for RDC Cadets (2021-22)

RDC Cadets


Booster dose program

Yoga day

Blood Camp

Blood Donation

Natural Disaster management program

Parade Class

Vivekananda Jayanti

Vivekananda Jayanti

Unity day

Tree plantation

Swachcha Bharat

Swachha Bharat

PI Staff taking NCC class

NCNCC Parade

Disaster Management Program

Disaster Management Program





* * * * * * * * *


SWAIAM Invitation MMC Function

Student Satisfaction Survey (2023-24)
Bhoomika, Placement Cell, and IQAC jointly Organizing a


By Shriram Study Circle Ankola for B.A and B.Sc students
Resource Person: Shri. Suraj Nayak, Ankola President: Dr. T.S. Halemane, principal Date : 8-12-2023 Time: 11am Venue. Motensar Hall




Sirsi taluk that lies in the lap of the great sahyadris is naturally endowed with scenic beauty and salubrious environment. In the map of the Uttara Kannada district it has a unique identity for its sound socio- economic fabric and rich cultural heritage. But the people of this taluk were not educationally empowered for higher learning till the founding of the Modern Education Society in the year 1962. This premier educational organization was established with an aim to provide higher education to the aspirant learners of the upper ghat talukas of the U.K. district. The dreams of a large section of the ambitious youths, especially of girls to get a degree of their interest and choice would not have been realized without the founding of this educational organization. The MES has been presently running 16 institutions, including various branches of studies like Arts, Science, Commerce, Law, Polytechnic, Job-Oriented courses, Diploma in Nursing, aided and unaided multi-disciplinary Pre-university courses etc. on the sprawling 50 acres of area. All the institutions of the Society have made a distinctive mark in their respective fields on the educational map of the State.






Phone No.:08384 - 236377


Taluk: SIRSI

District:Uttara Kannada


Copyright 2023-24