The N.S.S. Unit of our College has a long history.The central- Govt established this scheme in sept 24. 1969. The Karnataka University Dharwad included this scheme in the Academic year 1972, and selected 45 colleges, and our college was one among them.

1972 the N.S.S. Unit started working in our college. Prof S.G.Prathakal was the first N.S.S.Programme officer. He served for two years during 1972 to 1974. The work of N.S.S. Unit was efficient during his tenure.

From 1974 to 1984 Prof K.V.Bhat was appointed as N.S.S.Programme Officer. Under his leadership the N.S.S.Unit worked very systematically and it developed in to a very good Unit.

The special camp was conducted at Hanumanthi in the year 1974. In 1975 the special camp was conducted at Hunasekoppa .At that time General Kariyappa visited the camp. During 1977-78, two years the special camp was conducted at Doddanalli. This camp was a great suceess. The N.S.S. Unit had done a remarkable work at Doddanalli. The basic facilities like Road, Electricity, Bridge, Public Transport, etc.,were provided to Doddanalli village which was the most backward village. The camp at Doddanalli village was turned it in to a model village. Under his leadership our NSS Unit was recognized at state level and was considered as one of the best Units of the state. In the year 1981 our NSS unit conducted the tracking camp after selecting students from different South Indian Universities. Our NSS Unit conducted K.U.D tracking camp in the year 1983.

Prof. N.H. Gouda took over the office as NSS Programme officer from 1984–1990 . He conducted a special camp at Mattigatta in 1985. Under his leadership the School forestary began in 1987. Approximatly 3.5 lakhs of plants were planted. around ten acres by fifteen Schools and College Students. Prakash Vaidya was awarded the best NSS Volunteer, and he participated in the international seminar of Western Asian Countries. National leval NSS tracking our students participated in the year 1980.

Prof. R.N. Nayak took over the office as NSS Programme Officer from 1991 to 1996 . During his tenure he conducted many Personality Development Programme & Special Camps. To mention, in 1991-92 a special camp was conducted at Kasturaba Nagar. In 1992-93at Targod , in 1993-94 again at targod ,in 1994-95 at Hulgol. The special achievement of Prof R.N.Nayak as NSS Officer are , National Level Tracking camp.In that tracking camp100 students from 15 Universities participated. Construction of Bus shelter at Targod and Hulgol in 1994-95 respectively. In 1993 U.T.A. programme was conducted in Sirsi. As NSSOfficer Prof R.N.Nayaks achievements are out-standing.

Prof S.M.Kamanalli was the NSS Officer during 1996-2000. He conducted special camps at Bisalakoppa, Hanumanti, and Targod during 1997, 98, 99 respectively. Under his tenure he organized many Jatas, and awerness programmes.

Prof G.T.Bhat succeded as NSS Programme Officer during 2000- onwards. In the year 2001-02 A special camp was conducted at Doddanalli . The highlights of the camp were the construction of two new roads, play ground, and Drinage fecilities.

In the year 2002-03 the special camp was arranged at Manjuguni. Here also remarkable achievements were made. Plantation of Medicinal Plants, two By-pass Roads, were constructed. Water fecilities done to school at Manjuguni and bus shelter was constructed.

In the year 2003-04 Sampakanda was selected for special camp. Play Ground extension, Road cleaning and other works were made worth of Rs 90,000=00 .

Prof G.T.Bhat has been leading the unit very successfully. There are many remarkable works done by him. To mention some of them

Former NSS officers were:

• Prof. K. V. Bhat
• Prof. N. H. Gouda
• Prof. Ravi Nayak
• Prof. S. M. Kamanalli
• Prof. Vijayanalini Ramesh
• Prof. G. T. Bhat (3 times)
• Prof. Shailaja Mangaloor
• Dr. R. Y. Khan
• Dr. Ganesh S. Hegde
• Prof. K. N. Reddy
• Currently the unit headed by Dr. R. R. Hegde

Awards and Achievements

• 2002-Prof. G. T. Bhat awarded with the Best NSS officer by T. O. C. Mysore.
• 2004-Prof. G. T. Bhat awarded as a Best organizer & the unit received D. C. Pavate award by KUD.
• 2005- College Unit received D. C. Pavate award by KUD.
•2011- CollegeUnit received Indira Gandhi National award – for the Best NSS unit.


The NSS unit of M.M. Arts and Science College informally inaugurated its Annual activities for the year 2018-019 on 7th sep 2018. The chief guest for the function was Shri .Sadasive Marji food & civil supply Govt. of Karnataka.

The chief Guest in his inaugural address highlighted the broad objectives of NSS unit. He also highlighted that how the NSS programme aims to make the student youth better citizens through development of their personality through community service. The programme was attended by 100 NSS volunteers, college faculty, NSS Programme officer Prof; K.N.Reddy and District nodal officer Poff.G.T.Bhat

International yoga day celebration

On 21st June 2019 international yoga day was celebrated by NSS unit. A practice session and demonstration was organized by experts. 10 male 20 female volunteers attended the practical session.


Tree plantation programme

College NSS unit successfully completed the event of tree plantation in the college campus. As we all know that the whole world is facing the problem of global warming & to recover from such problems planting the trees is become one of the most important aspects today. After the inspirational words of guests and principal we all move towards the place where tree plantation took place. A very 1sttree plant by the principal Dr. A.K.kini in the college premises. Total tree planted by all others including staff volunteers & guests was more than 100 on the day. All were happy & experience proud after the tree plantation event was finished, because it really feels great to do positive for the nature.

Blood Donation Programme

College NSS unit associate with NCC in a blood donation camp was organized in the college & TSS Hospital. The camp was inaugurated by the chief guest Dr.P.S.Hegde. The chief guest in his inaugural address highlighted the importance of blood donation.25 volunteers of different blood groups have donated the blood in camp & more than 100 students under gone blood grouping process. 10 volunteers are held on call at the time of any scarcity / need.

Swachhta hi seva. {SWACHHTA PAKWADA}
From 1-8-2018 to 15-8-2018.

Programme was commenced with the orientation for the fresh NSS volunteers by NSS District Nodal officer Prof. G.T. Bhat. He conveyed his blessings to the NSS volunteers for their zeal to serve the society through NSS and also emphasized on the personality development throughNSS.Theprogramme officer Prof .K.N. Reddy briefly explain the activities being done under the NSS.50 new & 50 senior volunteers were participated in the programme.

To enhance awareness among people on the importance of cleanliness and to keep the surrounding clean and beautiful the NSS unit of the college organized the “SWACHHTA HI SEVA” among the youth. The pledge for cleanliness was also taken by everyone present there. It was a pledge to keep our home educational institutions, working places, public places and the environment clean”.10 to 15 NSS volunteers of each team are actively participated in SWACH BHARAT ABIAN. Of various places like Hospitals, Def& Dum School, Public library, College campus and class rooms etc.

Sadak Suraksha- Jeevan Raksha Programme.

With the association of RTO Sirsi the NSS unit organized the above programme on 08-02-2019.The chief guest highlighted the importance of tropic rules .More than 200 students were participate and benefitted. Caps and books of tropic rules were distributed to all the students.


With the association of Red-Cross NSS unit was organized health checkup on 13-2-2019.College students were undergone the checkup .More than 20 doctors from various hospitals were involved in the program me.


College NSS unit was organize ‘JEEVA JELA SAMRAKSHNA JATHA on 19th Feb 2019 at 10.54am. 100 NSS volunteers were participated in the jatha. Procession starts from college and moves towards the adopted pond Basattikere. The cleaning of the pond was inaugurated by RTO Sirsi.


NSS Unit of MES.M.M. Arts and science College organized a special annual camp in the adopted village Goli from 1-3-2019 to7-3-2019.The main projects for this camp was based on to make the village free from open defecation ,free from plastic and other activities like ;JEEVA JALA SAMRAKASHNA, Voter awareness etc.

The forenoon session of the day ONE began with procession by volunteers in the village. This was followed by an inauguration program held in SAMUDAYA BHAVAN at 3pm. The program was started with lightening the lamp and NSS song. The chief guest Smt. Saraswathi hedge and other dignitaries were welcomed by NSS program officer Prof; K.N.Reddy .The inaugural speech was delivered by the chief guest.

2nd day onwards about 50 volunteers divided themselves in to subgroups and involved in various activities like cleanliness, door to door visit for voters awareness, open defecation ,creation of healthy society etc. One of the team of 30 volunteers dedicated to cleaned the freshwater pond[JEEVA JELA SAMRAKSHNA].Which was the main source of water to the samudaya bavana .It was highly appreciated by the village people.

The 7th day was the closing day of the camp. The second session of the day was allotted to valedictory function. Function was presided over by the principal Dr .A.K. Kini. NSS officer Proff .K.N.Reddy explained about various service activities undertaken during the period of stay in the village.Dr A.K. Kini appreciated the volunteers and staff for their work and thanked the village authorities for their support. The session concluded by vote of thanks proposed by program officer Proff.K.N.Reddy.


With association of Sirsi Jeeva jala pade the NSS unit of the college was participated in the Brahath voter awareness jota on 23 March 2019. About 50 NSS volunteers are actively participated in the distribution of awareness pamphlets in Sarsi town .

M.E.S M.M Arts And Science college Sirsi

Annual NSS report for the year 2019-2020

National service scheme is a program launched by Dr V.K.R.V rao and The main objective is to understand the community in which they work. Understand themselves in relation to their community. Identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in prom solving. The program aims to inculcate social welfare in students and to provide service to society without bias

The annual report as follows:

1. Celebration of international yoga day in the college campus on 21st june 2019

2. Plantation program by NSS unit at M.E.S M.M Arts and Science college 10 th july 2019.

3. Blood donation program in M.E.S M.M Arts and Science college campus By NSS unit

4. Inauguration of NSS activities for the year 2019-2020

5. A program on eye donation in the college campus organized by NSS unit on16th October 2019.

6. Awareness program jatha in sirsi town on the adverse affect on plastic use on 16th October 2019

7. Two NSS volunteers are participated in the golden jublie youth festival at Bangalore and got 1st prize in the exhibition organized by camp

8. College campus Swachha Bharat Abhiyana on the occasion of brahat ‘udyaga mela’ in M.E.S M.M Arts and Science college Sirsi on 29th December 2019

9. Participation of M.E.S M.M Arts and Science college NSS volunteers in voters awareness jatha organized in sirsi town on 6th January 2020

10. NSS volunteers are participated in the program organized Youth for seva on 6th January

11. College NSS team attended to the program of yoga training at Deshpande trust Hubli from 9th January to 12th January

12. NSS unit of college organized the program Aparadha mukta samaja in the college campus on 13th february2020

13 . Health check up program organized in the college campus on 7th February

14. Participation of M.E.S M.M Arts and Science college NSS unit in the program Chiguru organized by Youth for Seva Sirsi on 9th February

15. Organize district level one day workshop for NSS volunteers on blood donation and aids awareness on 13th February 2020 .

16. Pledge on tobacco consumption free on the college campus on 14th February 2020

17. Annual special camp activities for the year 2019-2020 from 17th to 23rd February 2020 at adopted village kibballi (goli)

18. Aids awareness program and blood donation in sirsi town during Shri Marikamba fair in march 2020


A brief report of Rashtriya Seva Yojana 2022-23

1. Annual special camp was arranged from 09-06-2022 to 15-06-2022 in Goli village during camp. Cleaning work would be taken inside the school premises and garden every day afternoon a special lecture was given by many chief dignitaries on various subjects. Evening session ended with cultural programme.

2. Cleaning work would be done inside the medicinal garden on 24-11-2022.

3. Cleaning work would be taken inside the college premises on 17-12-2022.

4. We celebrated “National Cleaning Day” on 06-06-2022 at our college.

5. District level training camp would be taken for NSS officers on 20-07-2022.

6. Blood camp was arranged on 30-09-2022.

7. Celebrated the birthday of Swami Vivekananda 12-01-2023

8. Annual special camp was held in Murarji desai model school at kalli village on 25-01-2023.

9. Cleaning programme was held inside the college premises on 03-05-2023.

10. Regarding assembly election voting awareness would be taken on 05-05-2023.

11. “Grantha Mitra” one day training workshop would be taken for students on 05-06-2023.

12. Blood camp was held on 14-06-2023.

13. Cleaning programme was conducted on 15-06-2023.

14. One day disaster management programme was conducted on 20-06-2023.

15. Celebration “ Green Festival” inside the college campus on 11-07-2023.

All of the above mentioned programmes photos and reports are enclosed below.



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SWAIAM Invitation MMC Function

Student Satisfaction Survey (2023-24)
Bhoomika, Placement Cell, and IQAC jointly Organizing a


By Shriram Study Circle Ankola for B.A and B.Sc students
Resource Person: Shri. Suraj Nayak, Ankola President: Dr. T.S. Halemane, principal Date : 8-12-2023 Time: 11am Venue. Motensar Hall




Sirsi taluk that lies in the lap of the great sahyadris is naturally endowed with scenic beauty and salubrious environment. In the map of the Uttara Kannada district it has a unique identity for its sound socio- economic fabric and rich cultural heritage. But the people of this taluk were not educationally empowered for higher learning till the founding of the Modern Education Society in the year 1962. This premier educational organization was established with an aim to provide higher education to the aspirant learners of the upper ghat talukas of the U.K. district. The dreams of a large section of the ambitious youths, especially of girls to get a degree of their interest and choice would not have been realized without the founding of this educational organization. The MES has been presently running 16 institutions, including various branches of studies like Arts, Science, Commerce, Law, Polytechnic, Job-Oriented courses, Diploma in Nursing, aided and unaided multi-disciplinary Pre-university courses etc. on the sprawling 50 acres of area. All the institutions of the Society have made a distinctive mark in their respective fields on the educational map of the State.






Phone No.:08384 - 236377

Email :mmcsirsi@yahoo.in

Taluk: SIRSI

District:Uttara Kannada


Copyright 2023-24